IMC Club Meeting
Saturday, February 1 at 9am
Join us in person at the Bremerton National Airport Board Room,
or log in remotely using the Zoom link below February topic: Preparing for IFR Surprises Including Turbulence Leading to Unusual Attitudes
IMC Club (Tacoma Narrows-PWT) meets monthly for guided, participatory discussions (also known as "hangar talks") focused on real scenarios in the real world IFR environment. We share ideas and safety tips on how best to deal with specific IFR challenges. Our objective: continually improve proficiency in IFR flying for pilots at ALL experience levels. This seminar is eligible for WINGS credit. Pilots of all skill levels and experience from student pilot to ATP are welcome. IMC clubs are sponsored by EAA, which provides the training resources/scenarios to local coordinators/clubs.
The Bremerton Pilots Association is a western Puget Sound chapter of the Washington Pilots Association whose membership is comprised of private and commercial pilots, friends of aviation, and members of aviation-related organizations who are based at Bremerton National Airport or who frequent the facility.
The Association sponsors many annual activities and safety programs, including a robust Youth Aviation Scholarship. When you join the Bremerton Pilots Association, as a bonus you automatically become a member of the Washington Pilots Association. Your dues for either organization covers membership in both organizations, and as an added benefit you have free use of the Stuart Island vacation cabin. Click here for additional Membership information.